

Nita's Gentle Soaps
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Contact Me/Links


A few words about Reiki...


Reiki (pronounced ray - key) means
"Universal Life Force Energy"
Reiki is an experience of gentle touch to
balance the mind, body and spirit.
It is not a religion, and can be used in
addition to medical treatments.

Reiki is a hands-on energy type healing that I also do, in addition to my
soap making. Please see my Two Reiki Ladies web site that I share with my business
partner, Teri, for a further explanation of what Reiki is.

Reiki healing can be sent long distances also, so if you would like my
partner and I to send Reiki to you or your friend or family member, for a certain problem, 
we shall be happy to do so.
We can also be reached at

Nita - Reiki Master and Soapmaker



For further info...

E-Mail Me!